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We The People Club Member Pledge

As a Member of the We The People Club,

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands,

One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.

I, Full Name , Support the U.S Constitution above All other Constitutions

And As a We The People Club Member Swear to:

Uphold, Protect, and Preserve the Founders Intent along with All the God Given Rights as Stated in 

Our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights against all Enemies both Foreign and Domestic.

God Bless America

"We The People"

Loan Our Trust, Our Money and Our Consent to Our Government

If Our Government Betrays Our Trust, Wastes Our Money, and/or Abuses the Power that we gave it with Our Consent

We have the Power to Seek Justice against it, De-Fund it, and/or Recall All those who abused our consent.

We Hold the Money * We Hold the Consent * We Hold the Numbers

"Therefore We Hold All the Power"

We are the "Standing" that Our Courts and Justice System Require in order to File Class Action Lawsuits

Time to Uphold Our Duty as American Citizens and Redress Our Grievances in the Courts including the Supreme Courts

Networking with Like Minded People Online and Offline All Year Round

Sharpens Your people skills. ...


Participation in your Local Community, State, and Federal  Issues

Develops your team work skills. ...


Freedom to Share your Ideas, Views, and Comments

Gives you Opportunities to network. ...


Networking your Business and/or Yourself at Club Events

Enhances your resume. ...


Discounts at Participating Member Businesses

Establishes a support system. ...


Access to the Clubs Resources, Blogs, and Forums

Better balance of work & play time. ...


Reduced Admissions to Club Events and Seminars

Enjoy a Break from your studies.


Discounted Vending Opportunities to Showcase your Products / Services

And Much More ......   And Much More ....
Online Trolling of Fellow Members is Not Permitted and WILL NOT be Tolerated - May result in Expulsion from the Club
Must Accept and Abide by All terms of Membership to become and remain a Club Member
The Online Questionaire Must be filled out completely and honestly in order to be considered for Membership
Once Approved as a Member you will be able to Upgrade your Membership and Benefits Package at Anytime
Politicians and Individuals who dont believe in Limited Government as the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights proposes need not Apply
Must be willing to Swear to the Club Membership Oath and Uphold it in order to maintain your Club Membership Status
"We The People" Club is a privately owned and managed Community Membership Advocacy Club 2021. Copyrighted with all Rights Reserved.
Various Membership Levels are Offered by the We The People Club with Opportunities to grow as your level of commitment grows
Special Thanks to Clubhouse2000, The Long Island Network, and the American Taxpayers Party Inc for their many levels of Support