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* Welcome to the "We The People Club" - WTPC - A New Concept in Club Membership Combining Pro-Active Community Organizing, Advocacy, and B2B Networking
Network Parties / Events / Discussion Forums
Club Resources / People / Book Clubs / Signings
Discounts, Special Offers / Guest Speakers
And Much More .....
" Your Body is Your Temple - Govt has NO Right to Enter Your Body without Your Consent"
Freedom to Speak * Freedom to Assemble * Freedom of Association * Freedom of Religion * Freedom to Redress of Grievances
The Right to Petition Government for Redress of Grievances
is the right to make a complaint to, or seek the assistance of, one's government, without fear of punishment or reprisals. ...
The right to petition in the United States is granted by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution (1791).
The Freedom to Petition the government for redress of grievances is one of your Five Freedoms protected under the First Amendment. It is the freedom to encourage or disapprove government action through nonviolent, legal means.
"It's Time to Organize People and Businesses to Make a Significant Difference"
"Solutions that involve violence and/or harassment never really solves the problem it just creates many other problems"
"We The People of America" together can solve all problems when United and Resolute in our Peaceful yet Impactful Solutions
Our Rights are Given to Us by GOD - Only GOD can take them away
Government Does NOT Give Us Rights - Government Only Exists to Protect Our GOD Given Rights
To Protect and Preserve Our U.S. Constitution, Our Bill of Rights, Our God-Given Rights, and Our American Way of Life
Remaining on the Sidelines is No Longer an Option
"We The People" Must Not Only Participate but "We The People" Must Join Together and Activate
We Are Not a Political THIRD Party * We The People" Comprise ALL Parties and WE Maintain All the Power
"We Elect Our Politicians to Represent Us
"We The People"
We DO NOT, I Repeat DO NOT Elect them to Represent the Government and/or its' Quasi Government Agencies"
We ALLOW Ourselves to be Governed ONLY with OUR Consent - We have always had the Power and Authority to withdraw Our Consent at any time

When Our Local, State, or Federal Government Officials and/or its' Subsidized Entities

Breach their Oath and/or Overreaches their Authority loaned to them by Us "We the People"

"We The People"  Always Retain the Ability and Obligation to Limit or to Withdraw Our Consent


"Our U.S Constitutional Laws and Bill of Rights"

Provides Us "We The People" with the Tools and Methods to

Reign in and/or Reclaim our Powers when Our Government chooses to go Rogue and abuses the Authority that we give it freely with and only with Our Consent

Our Government and Officials Have Gone Rogue and Are Abusing its Authority Given to them by Us "We The People"
Club: A group of people with a common purpose or interest, who meet regularly and take part in shared activities.
Clubs need registration to get into unlike pubs and bars who do not. ... They serve as social clubs around a specific geographic area.

A private club is a place to meet and mingle with people of similar interests.

The club is private because not just anyone can join or enter.

Potential Members May Register for Free
Only those who Register, Qualify, and are Approved May become Members of the "We The People" Club

Once Approved as a Member

You May Choose the Type of Membership that best suits your preferred level of participation


Club Membership

does not discriminate based on disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

A New Concept in Club Membership Combining Pro-Active Community Organizing, Advocacy, and B2B Networking
The Concept of Clubs
 is seen as an opportunity for adaptation to life in the group, forming good lifelong habits and relationships, while cultivating a voluntaristic spirit.
We believe a Great Club focuses on the Interests and Activities of their Like-Minded Members while making it Fun, Productive, and Rewarding to each Member
Club Activities
Supplement Academics and Give the Students Practical Training which they require in day-to-day life.
(Students May be Parents, Non Parents, College / Teens / Kids, Young Professionals, Small Business Owners and Tradesmen etc.)
Club Prayer Groups and Bible Studies
Opportunities for Members to Join and Participate in Our Collective Prayer Interest Groups and Events
Club Benefits
We Believe that Membership to "We The People" Club
Should provide an Opportunity for that Membership to (at the very least)
Pay for Itself through its Benefits Packages and/or Potential Rewards Programs
Club Member Pledge / Oath
All Applicants Must Accept the Club Oath in order to be Considered for Any Membership Status
Club Membership Cards
All Members May Create and Update their own Profile Page as often as you like
Members may upgrade their Membership Status to include a Virtual Club Member Card that may be printed out and used offline
Club Member Profiles
Once Approved Members may begin building their own Personal or Business Profile and Join Interest Groups and Committees
You May Chose to be Anonymous or Hidden from other Members (You have the ability to Select who sees your Profile)
Club Member Access to Discussion Forum
Club Members may share and discuss any ideas, issues, topics, questions, policies, job opportunities, and/or current affairs with other members
Business Owners may promote and sell their products and/or services to any and all Club Members
Club Member Events & Club Fundraisers
Club Member Social Events, Business Networking, Seminars with Guest Speakers, Book Signings and Vendor Showcases
Meet and Greets, Debate Forums, Meet the Candidates, Business Expos and Trade Shows
Club Member Meetups and Dating Interest Groups
Club Members May Choose to Join Various Dating Groups to Meet Someone who Shares the Same Interests
Club Member Discounts at the "We the People Club" Online Store
Club Members will receive exclusive discount codes to use at checkout when purchasing from the Online Club Store
Club Member Academy for All Ages
All Classes taught by Qualified Club Member Tutors and Educators with Scholarships Available to High Performing Member Students
Business Owners will have the Opportunity to share their expertise by giving Seminars and/or teaching classes to students at the Club Academy
Club Expansion
"We The People" Club Membership Statewide and Across the Country is the Ultimate Goal
Just One "We The People Club" Per State would change the Country in a Positive Way
Networking with Like Minded People Online and Offline All Year Round

Sharpens Your people skills. ...


Participation in your Local Community, State, and Federal  Issues

Develops your team work skills. ...


Freedom to Share your Ideas, Views, and Comments

Gives you Opportunities to network. ...


Networking your Business and/or Yourself at Club Events

Enhances your resume. ...


Discounts at Participating Member Businesses

Establishes a support system. ...


Access to the Clubs Resources, Blogs, and Forums

Better balance of work & play time. ...


Reduced Admissions to Club Events and Seminars

Enjoy a Break from your studies.


Discounted Vending Opportunities to Showcase your Products / Services

And Much More ......   And Much More ....
Online Trolling of Fellow Members is Not Permitted and WILL NOT be Tolerated - May result in Expulsion from the Club
Must Accept and Abide by All terms of Membership to become and remain a Club Member
The Online Questionaire Must be filled out completely and honestly in order to be considered for Membership
Once Approved as a Member you will be able to Upgrade your Membership and Benefits Package at Anytime
Politicians and Individuals who dont believe in Limited Government as the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights proposes need not Apply
Must be willing to Swear to the Club Membership Oath and Uphold it in order to maintain your Club Membership Status
"We The People" Club is a privately owned and managed Community Membership Advocacy Club 2021. Copyrighted with all Rights Reserved.
Various Membership Levels are Offered by the We The People Club with Opportunities to grow as your level of commitment grows
Special Thanks to Clubhouse2000, The Long Island Network, and the American Taxpayers Party Inc for their many levels of Support